Affected by the atmosphere and rhetoric surrounding the recent USA national election as much as anyone, I felt an immediate need to recluse myself from social media post from everyone and constantly checking my phone. So, I unplugged for a solid week by taking time to unwind and re-tune myself. I did it by not clicking on any social medial sites, not watching televised news, and refusing to check my phone more than three times per day. In fact, I stopped carrying it!
By the third day of my self-imposed sabbatical I felt the greatest release of tension in my shoulders and back. I started feeling general relaxation. I was feeling happier by the fifth day. After one week, I didn't feel the need to; constant click on Facebook, turn on cable news, or check my phone for messages. I was once again in control of my time and importantly, my sense of well being.
So, I began focusing on the person that really mattered in my life; me. My priorities, my focus, my goals, how I was allocating my time. Was I too involved helping others in my community? Yes. Not only was I investing large amounts of energy and time in others. I was ignoring my self. I reasserted that I can be of service to others but, not at the expense of my own goals.
So, I immediately re-distributed my time allocations and focus. Finally enrolled into the ongoing acting workout class that I kept saying that was going to get around to when I "find the time". Well, I had the time all along. I simply wasn't using it well. So, now I am back in class, ready to mail out a reworded cover letter, new head shots, started gym workouts again, went solo flying, attended some SAG invitational movie screenings and heard famous actors talk about their process, attended a powerful workshop and even purchased a new book to read.
I encourage everyone to take an introspective looks at their lives and dare ask the questions, "Am I in control of my life or are my influences in control of me?" "Do I feel anxious and on edge?" "Do I need to unfriend some of my social media contacts because they frequently post negative posts and comments?" Even if their postings and comments are factual, seeing them potentially lowers your energy vibrations and negative does not attract positive. And importantly, "Do I need to recluse myself from everything and everyone, refocus and re-tune myself?" Re-tuning may not extend your life but it will certainly make whatever time you have left more pleasant to live. And that is priceless!
I feel as free as astronaut Chris Hadfield did when he sung David Bowie's "Space Oddity" aboard the international space station. Ground Control to Major Tom...
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