Monday, February 9, 2015

Throw the Dog a Bone

Getting cast in Throw the Dog a Bone is an interesting story and frankly a bit amazing for me.  I applied for the production through Backstage. One day I received an email from the director William Bright asking to meet with me over lunch and discuss me being cast for a principle role in his film “Throw the Dog a Bone”. I was taken by surprise because I expected to receive an invitation to audition.  So, I met William over lunch and we talked about the film.  About mid-way through lunch, William said, “Oh, by the way, you got the job”. I was shocked because I thought that only stars got cast like that. He concluded by asking me to write him some thoughts on the psychological makeup of the character I was to play. I later emailed him my thoughts. He replied that he was amazed with my detailed my character analysis. From that time until completion of filming I felt absolutely compelled to perform at 1000 percent of my abilities from table read through filming because of how I got the job.  Also, I didn't want to disappoint the writer, Jocelyn Stewart who is such a sweet person filming her first screen play.

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