Sunday, February 22, 2015

Yes I Am Cold But That Is Not The Point

Filming on the Marcellus Cox short "A Woman's Worth" wearing a thin
sleeveless t-shirt commonly known by some as a "Wife Beater Shirt" I was
acutely aware of the evening's cold as I shivered between takes.  Rather than
consume myself with the cold or the crew and other cast members
wearing warm jackets, I concentrated my thoughts on the circumstances
of my character who was on screen the entire time.  I even started to enjoy,
shot after shot, having more wet unheated blood poured on me. I thought
of how fortunate I was to get to live in that moment doing what so many actors in
this town would kill to do;  act in that film with a film festival renown Director!
I thought to myself, "Yes, I am cold but that is not the point of why I am here.
I am here to be the best possible supporting actor that I can be to the story's lead.
Everything else is beside the point. So, get over it."

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